Saturday, 27 August 2016

France And The Open western Hypocrisy

France And The Open Western Hypocrisy By Eedris Ngene:

Ask any Muslim what he or she thinks about Saudi Arabia and her ban on female drivers and you will get 'an almost' unified answer' from a record 99.9+% of Muslims world wide including in Saudi Arabia that such ban holds no basis to Islam.
Saudi Arabia is a country that has never presented herself to the world 'as democratic' and neither has Saudi preached about democratic principles as constantly preached by Western nations. Saudi Arabian laws is a mixture of their culture and religion.
France is a western country that claims to hold democracy in high grounds- they claim to be democratic in all manners and most western nation would agree and proudly affirm France to be democratic is all spheres. The difference between France and Saudi Arabia is that France claims to be democratic and imbibe by the so called democratic principles; Saudi Arabia on the other hand is an open,non-democratic country just like China and some other countries and thereby does not need to imbibe by the so called democratic principles. So why is it that many of those backing the ban on Burkini and subsequent harassment of Muslim women in France mostly say: 'Why do Muslims cry about victimization when Saudi Arabia does not give women certain rights'. From the above analysis it seems that the French people and her supporters have suddenly started looking towards Saudi Arabia as their role model; I thought when an individual hopes to be good, he or she compares his or her attitudes with those that are good? Likewise, if you claim to be democratic, why compare your attitude to a nation which is openly 'non-democratic' and has never claimed to be a democracy?
Also worth noting is that Saudi Arabia as a country is NOT synonymous to Islam or Muslim nation and as such all their activities does NOT necessary reflect or represent billions of Muslims world wide.

Of the many desperate lies told by the French government on why they banned the Burkini is that:

1. The Burkini is a sign of oppression against women and they aim to liberate Muslim women.
2. The Burkini encourages extremism
3. The Burkini is a provocation to French people.
4. The Burkini is a sign of Muslims refusal to 'integrate with French culture'.

Now isnt it funny how a 'common clothing' will cause all the fuss mentioned above?
In other not to confuse my readers and also to show how pathetic this ban is and France hypocrisy; I think it is important to explain what a Burkini is.
'A Burkini is NOT a Muslim clothing, it is a swim suit that is worn by either male or female which covers their whole body except the face, the palms and the foot'. Because this clothing covers most part of the body, many Muslim women in West prefer using it to swim in public places. France seeing that the swim suit is mostly worn by Muslim women now decides to ban Muslim women from wearing it and any Muslim woman caught wearing this swim suit is forced remove it(strip) and also fined some amount of money.

Now to further analyze the points raised by the French government for banning the Burkini, they claim it is an oppression against Muslim women and as such they aim to liberate the Muslim women.

-Oppression can be defined as (a) The exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel or unjust manner. (b) It can also be seen as the act of oppressing or state of being oppressed.
Now from the above, when armed French police with the backing of their government goes of the rampage of forcing Muslim women out of their Burkini and when the French government decides to dictate to Muslim women what they should or should not wear- isnt that a state backed oppression against Muslim women? Isnt that a subjugation of women rights to choose what to wear? How does forcing a woman to wear pants and bra to the beach mean liberating her? Where are the so called western human and women rights activists?
None of the Muslim women who wear this clothing have ever reported that they are being forced to wear it by their husband. The French authority on another hand claims the women are being forced to wear the Burkini. If a Muslim husband or Father wants to control her daughter or wife, he would demand her NOT to go to the beach at all afterall in the beach many men wear pants or shorts that expose their private parts- so why would they allow their wives or daughters to go there in the first place if they truly hope to control them? Again the hypocrisy and lies of the french government is ever glaring.

Another excuse used by the French government is that the Burkini encourages extremism. How they could shamelessly say this beats my imagination and I wonder why suits and ties does not encourage extremism afterall those that cause the highest deaths in this world are those who wear suits and ties(certain world leaders).

The French government also claims that the Burkini is a provocation. Now isnt it interesting that the same French nation which claimed that 'free speech' is important than provocation when their artist drew a supposed picture of Prophet Muhammad now supports oppression and denying of her citizens basic human right over a falsified provocation? Again; the hypocrisy is very clear.

Lastly, another funny argument put forwards by the French government and the supporters of this recent ban is that the Burkini is a sign of Muslims refusing to integrate with the French people.
How does wearing pants and bra mean integration? Whats next? Eat pork because most people in the country eats pork. Eat snake or dog meat because most people in your country eats it. How is that for integration? Whatever happen to appreciating those things that makes us diverse and the importance of diversity?

The French government have continually showed her intent to subjugate her Muslim population and this subjugation and oppression continue to expose the hypocrisy of the French government and Western nations in general.
Bit by bit, they continue to openly expose their lies and hypocrisy.
For a country that constantly claims to be free for all and a country that claims to uplift and give full human rights to her citizens; the French government should hide their head in shame or simply agree to what every other sane people know about their country: 'They do NOT give human rights to all her citizens and they oppress their minority Muslim population'.

By Eedris Ngene.

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