Sunday, 18 October 2015

Israel And the Palestinian fight for freedom

No doubt, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is one of the longest running modern conflicts the world has witnessed and is still witnessing today.

A conflict which has seen millions of people displaced, thousands killed and livelihoods of many lost but why does it seem like the world do not care about the conflict or rather simply choose to turn a blind eye on it?

Is it that we are yet to learn from similar conflicts like that of the South Africans and her brutal apartheid nature?

In other to understand the Israel-Palestinian conflicts; one must first learn the history that led to such conflicts.

Many people are ignorant on how this conflict came to be or maybe this people simply prefer to ignorantly follow and live with propaganda that best suits their ideology or conscience.

In a world where information’s are now readily at our finger tips, learning about what brought about the conflicts should be what any reasonable person must do before actually taking sides in such long running conflict filled with lies, hate, killings and propaganda.

History has thought us over and over again that no matter how strong one thinks their empire may be, there always come a time when such empire end up crumbling. Some countries may seem untouchable now and powerful than others but mankind fail to understand over and over again that “time is more powerful than everyone and everything”

So why does it seem like we as human never learn from history?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and wars are not like every other type of war, this type of conflict only cost more life unless a sort of lasting peace deal is reached before it becomes too late- a deal with both sides reaching a compromise"

Israel is in midst of a fight against people (Palestinians) fighting for their freedom- Freedom they are ready to keep fighting for even if it cost them their lives.

Africans fought for their freedom against the colonial masters and in the end, the oppressed always wins over the oppressor even if it takes so much time, energy and sacrifice.

When an occupation is no longer viewed as occupation and killing of innocent people justified, then it is a sign that history is being rewritten by the powerful ones among us. Many people are quick to forget that what is going on in Israel today is an occupation and only when we have this in mind can we then truly move forward to finding a lasting solution but when we keep lying to ourselves, it simply shows the type of world we want to create and that world is definitely one where lies and propaganda has become the norm and killing the oppressed becomes accepted morals in our new world- Israel is the only country in the world that would kill over 50children in just 2weeks and still claim to be the victim.

The Zionist justify their claim of Palestine with biblical text that they claim says the land was promised to Jews by God, such thoughts and ideology have drawn sympathy from some Christians towards the Jews while the atheist, other Christians and other religious people refuse to use biblical text or any religious book as their source towards judging the conflicts of Israelis and Palestinians.

Many people are waking up to the truth of what is going on in Israel and many people around the world have had enough and demanded an end to the occupation of Palestine but there is a clear difference between ordinary people of the world and the government who can truly make a big change required to put an end to this mad conflict.

If we want to follow the true history, then it is only right to point out that the state of Israel was created after the worldwar1, when the British troops forcefully created a Jewish own land, of course it was anything but bloodless or peaceful creation.

After the defeat of Ottoman Empire, the British assumed control of Palestine.  In 1922, “the League of Nations” granted Britain a mandate over Palestine which included among other things; establishing of a Jewish state, facilitating Jewish immigration from Europe and encouraging of Jewish settlements on the land of Palestine.

On November 1947, the united nations recommended the adoption and implementation of the partition plan of mandatory Palestine into 2 state but the Arabs rejected the proposal and on 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the executive head of the world Zionist organization and president of Jewish agency for Palestine declared an independent state from mandatory Palestine to be known as “state of Israel”.

From studying history one could clearly see that the state of Israel was created by force and after its creation, the Israeli government also went on to take over more lands from neighboring countries after the wars.

United Nations, the West and most countries acknowledges Israel's presence in West bank and East Jerusalem as an occupation- this again, is a pure proof of what Israel represent: "A brutal apartheid occupation".

But the question is, "why then does United nation and West fail to make Israel comply with international law for peace sake?

Isn’t it hypocrisy? And why is it that they do not strongly condemn deaths of Palestinians and their illegal arrest and imprisonment? Or is their any research that shows that a Jewish life is more special than that of Palestinians? Or have the occupiers all of a sudden become above the law?

When the United states of America shouts the words: “Israel has right to defend herself”, if leaves ones wondering if: "Palestinians do not have right to defend themselves and their land".

It is also important to remind the Zionist that one cannot claim self defence while occupying another mans land.

It is clearly understandable to see that the Arab world in 1947 opposed the United nation's motion on creation of a Jewish state in Palestine- of course any region or country would also reject such- Not the Americans, the British, the Asian or even the Africans will agree to such creation, no matter how hard we try to hide the truth, we would always see it staring us right in the face.

The creation of United states of America, Australia etc involved the Genocide and massacre of the indigenous people but the ordinary American or Australian can now see how that is wrong but the deed has already been done, but by supporting the Israeli Genocides and occupation against indigenous Palestinians, this countries created by Genocide clearly show they are not sorry for their atrocities.

The pathetic Zionist claim of Jews being owners of the Palestinian land is based on their ancestors living there in the past(thousands of years ago), then if we follow such analysis, we would see that there were different specie of human in existence before us, and as such, each and everyone of us were probably not first settlers of our current country.

And how would the Americans and Australians etc feel if they were asked to evacuate the land they are in immediately since it is obvious that they committed mass Genocide in name of creating such land but in the case of Palestinians, it was not the Palestinians that killed the Jews rather it was Adolf Hitler who went on a killing Crusade, so why are the Palestinians paying for Hitler’s actions? And why is the Jewish government doing exactly what Hitler did to them? Why is the Western government indirectly supporting this modern day occupation?- There is Lots of why's yet little answers available.

It makes no sense that the Jewish nation that are suppose to be very merciful because of the horrors they went through in the past have all of a sudden turned into the same people that hunted and killed them.

An occupation remains an occupation no matter how one decides to sugar coat it or justify it; this is why occupation always fall no matter how strong they are; despite their military might and domination, political influence or moral superiority; the occupation always falls and are forced to leave, defeated or humiliated.

There is a fact that all human irrespective of their religious, race or any other afflictions agree to and that is: “No one, people or group brought any land with them when they came to this world, we all are immigrants or settlers” but it does not imply that certain people can go around killing and pushing out those who are already settled in a particular land in other to take over; it does not also mean people who have not been in the land they claimed they settled for years can decide to come back thousands of years later and start murdering those who are already settled in the land- this is clear sign of barbarism of the 21st century.

The only way out for Israel government is to sincerely agree to creation of a Palestinian own state free from their harassment, blockade and massacres, if Israel is to learn from history, then it should know all powerful empire one way or another always fall, it is just a matter of time. Those who support the Israeli occupation should know that they are only misleading the Jewish nation and when it backfires, those supporters will be no where to be found and the Israelis will be left on their own.
So how long can Israel keep playing games? And killing innocent Palestinians in name of self defence?

And one thing is certain: “You cannot claim self defense while occupying another persons land”.

Israel can keep spreading propaganda against Palestinians and their resistance, they can keep calling Hamas terrorist but it is nothing new after all Nelson Mandela was also called terrorist and even placed on terrorist list by the United states government.  Like any other occupation and colony; Israel also justify its wars and genocide of innocent Palestinians as last resort or self defence but in the end, such tactics only backfires and it will not only lead to defeat of the government but it will lead to severe hate between Palestinians who feel ordinary Israelis enjoy their suffering and killing and Israelis who feel killing of Palestinians is self defence as they are brainwashed to believe in the Israel media and society.

Palestinians have been struggling for their independence for so many years and with each day that passes, Israel keeps expanding its settlement buildings and this leaves one wondering if Israel truly wants peace but then how would they want peace when their actions are indirectly cheered by western governments: “You cannot keep giving a baby candy and still tell him it is wrong” but when situations gets out of hand, it is obvious the so called west can not control an all out frustration or possible war which will see many lose their life- the time for peace is either now or never because with each time that passes, the hate among the occupiers and occupied keeps increasing, don’t forget that severe hate takes time to build, and when it is manifested we end up asking “where did we go wrong”?.

Gaza is tagged as the world’s largest open air prison, a place that is blocked by all sides, a place where the lives of ordinary Gazan is in the hands of the Israelis and during Israel Massacres; the ordinary Palestinian have no way out to run for safety, thanks to the hypocrisy and cowardliness of the Egyptian government.

Let us not forget that a war implies some sort of equality in combat but what is happening in Gaza is a genocide, a massacre which is morally wrong but justified by the oppressor and her ally in name of self defense, a Genocide that has been going on for years by one of the world’s supposed powerful army supported by the silence and military aid of western nations.

Fortunately people around the world are waking up to the reality of what is happening in Palestine but as we wake up to the reality of this occupation and genocides, we must distinguish between the governments and people who are governed and those who’s government commits such genocide and horrors in their name.

We must reconnect with our humanity, the plight of Palestinian people is the plight of the world- an injustice to one should no doubt be an injustice to all. The Israeli war against the Palestinians make no sense, a war which can be avoided, a war which constitutes massive abuse of power and a war which makes the slaughter of women and children legal and acceptable norm, only when we truly seek peace can peace be found but until then let no one in the world complain of the horrors facing our world today because one way or another, we all contribute to it and the evil of human and horrors we commit have become so bad that even the earth cries aloud saying “what is wrong with my inhabitant” the evil that human do this days surprises even the devil.

The world is no doubt faced with so much horrors and problems, but how then can we bring an end to such problems? We as individual must first of all, be able to differentiate between right and wrong, between oppressed and oppressor and between lies and truth when we do that, it makes part of the world’s problem half solved.

It is also important to mention that even with all the Massacre done by the Jewish government, many Israelis who have woken up to the horrors committed by their government have come out to support the Palestinian course- You can kill as many individual as possible but you can never kill the truth, one way or another, the truth always find way to supersede lies and propaganda.

In the end, we as human are the ones who creates all the problems facing our world and only when we decide to truly and sincerely find a solution can a way finally open.

Eedris Ngene

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