Sunday, 12 June 2016

Common sense 101

There is so much hate in this world and social media coupled up with free speech have been that one most powerful tool that has 'legally' empowered thousands of haters- so much so that someone updates a status about how he or she wants an entire race or religion wiped out of the face of the earth and this type of outburst gets dozens, hundreds, thousands and possibly millions of cheers by this person's audience(showing you how much psychos are out there).

In the past, this hate speeches were censored; to get your hate speeches aired on television, you had to be a really powerful person in the society that has some sort of control or undiluted access in the media but today, just one status and boom! You have that hate filled words circulating like wide fire and some dumb folks readily available to share it.

 Today in the name of politics and free speech, politicians can now legally spread hate capable of igniting violence in the nation; hate capable of causing divisions.
In the name of religion, so called religious personnel can utter words that can cause mass hatred.

Sometimes after reading certain hate status or obvious propaganda. I will be like: 'haha, seriously?? who is dumb enough to believe this?', then I curiously check the comments section on the status- at that point, I realize that there are actually some massive dumb people on the face of this earth and that to me, is extremely scary. Social media made me realize how much people I thought were sensible, actually are the opposite. I used to be surprise when I see friend's air hate filled words against a group but for long now, I've realized that nothing should ever surprise me in this world.

When you update a status talking about how much you hate/ dislike whites, blacks, Muslims, Jews, Christians, igbo's, Hausa's, Yoruba etc or how much these groups are evil and then as a black, Muslim or my tribe, I see this, it becomes obvious that you are directly or indirectly talking about how much you hate me yet you would still call me friend- either you are too dumb to realize that my label is who I am or you are just plain stupid but I rather stick with the latter.

 My name is Idris Ngene and I have never in my life thought or have a slightest hate or view with 'disgust' adherents or people of any race, tribe, religion etc and I've never generalize my criticism to make it seem like being from certain tribe automatically makes you evil or problematic.

I am so de-tribalized, and so much non-racist or non-regionalised that when I see anyone, what I see is 'a human', their tribe, race or region plays Zero role on how I view them. This is evident that majority of people in my life probably do not know my tribe- I can blend in into any society.

I remember when I was graduating, my secondary school principal said he thought I was 'Ebira' not until I came for my result and he saw my state of origin that he realize my real tribe. People do not know my tribe because I don't go around shoving it down their throat or talking about how we are special or talking ill of others. When you are so obsessed with my tribe, I jokingly tell you that I am from 'Puerto Rico'(now my polytechnic ex-classmates knows this my answer well). LOL.

Anyway, I am proud of all my identity, but so should everyone one else- this are the things that makes us unique and make the world an interesting place but ask my identity not because you want to know how to view me but because you simply want to appreciate all our differences. Frankly, I dislike to live in a society where only my tribe or people are dominant, so much so that you hardly see other tribes.

I can spend so much time defending different tribes or race that isn't connected to me. I do joke a lot on issues and diversity but I never hate on people-
Anyone that knows me can testify to that and those who know me well knows you can't say 'crap' about any tribe etc in front of me without I shielding them but sadly, I cannot say this about most people who constantly support attacks on others- They are either hating on the Hausa's, Igbo's, Yoruba's, Muslims, Christians etc. This is why your politics of tribe, region etc can NEVER get to me for I owe no one an allegiance. This is why even if one tribe or religion rules Nigeria forever, as far as you don't deny me my rights, or do bad, I will never complain and when you do wrong and I complain, I talk about the individual and Not the tribe or religion.

 Why struggle and hate so much on things like tribe, region, race, country that you have no power deciding? Not once have I come across someone who decided what tribe or race to be born into and had you been born into Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba etc family, will you still insult them? Pssh! Many idiots in this world.

 We spend so much time hating on one another that we fail to see the uniqueness in diversity and how much beautiful the world is with diversity.

I pray for a world with far less haters, racist and tribalist.

By Eedris Ngene

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