Friday, 24 June 2016

Open Letter To CAN


It is with great humility and respect that I write this letter to your organization; hoping to shade light on events unfolding in the nation and of course put certain notions into perspective.

It is no longer secret that many Nigerian Christians believe(either mischievously or truly) that there is a grand plot by influential Nigerian Muslims to islamize the nation- be it the Muslim politicians like(Mr Babangida, Atiku, Buhari etc) or Muslim business billionaires like(Mr Dangote and the rest).
We can always state the obvious and FACTS but the truth remains that 'stating the obvious or facts does not really change minds or perceptions in Nigeria of today'- what changes minds is how well we can lie, instigate hate or spread propaganda because it has been established that 'gullibility thrives among many Nigerians.'

The question now is: 'how then do you make people believe the truth when deep down inside of them- lies what they seek?'

The answer is: 'You don't! you simply state facts and the obvious; then allow the ignorant one's to continue to live in ignorance, hate or lie if that is the only thing that makes them have some self esteem or feel like Kings and Queens in their own little twisted world'

Nigeria on several occasions have had religious issues brought into spotlight and one of those many issues is the recent Osun hijab palava, the case of an Emir who is alleged to have bewitched a pastors daughter from South South to convert to Islam, the miss Ese Oruru case and many other case but the interesting thing about all this stories that makes it to news headlines or aimed at drawing attentions of every Nigerian and the world is that whatever way it goes- Islam and Muslims are always blamed- It is like a double edge sword that strikes Muslims both ways.

Frankly, it was quite embarrassing that a verdict was alleged to be passed in Osun state which gives female Muslim girls the right to wear hijab(same with uniform color) and to my utmost surprise; this kind gesture and rights of this young female Muslims quickly skyrocketed into a fierce debate, war of words and of course- coupled up with actions as we saw Osun state CAN(part of your organization) direct all of her members to put on their own religious attire(whatever that is and an attire which they never put outside of school or even in Church).

The debate about rights of Muslim women to wear hijab has been ongoing for years across not just Nigeria but many other countries. It is important to note that hijab to Muslims isn't a fashion wear- covering of hair is a MUST for every Muslim woman and by MUST; it means, when you don't cover your hair, it is a sin! How is this hard to understand? If we have all established the FACT that not wearing hijab is a sin why then are many non-muslims and your organization so interested in forcing Muslim women to commit sin when wearing hijab by Muslim women does not in anyway whatsoever affect those kicking against it? Again, is this not a case of low self esteem or simply a case of playing mischief with religion?

Nigeria; a country with about 50% Muslim population seem to have a problem with granting Muslim female rights to use hijab in school, certain organizations, work place et al but countries like United states of America and many parts of Western Europe where Muslims are minority have no problem with Muslim women covering their hair. Interestingly, in some cases, a Muslim woman can sue her boss to court if they deny her the right to wear her hijab. What then is the much noise in Nigeria about allowing Muslim women wear hijab? We talk so much about religious tolerance but deep down inside of us, we prefer to live in a world full of intolerance(be it religious, tribal and the rest)

Many people might be saying: 'na the school girls holy pass? Why Buhari daughter and other rich Muslim pikin not wearing hijab'.

Well, it is the height of ignorance to believe or think that Mr Buhari means Islam or that whatever couple of rich or poor Muslim people do about hijab means the remaining billions of Muslims world wide should- also, it is utter nonsense to state that rich Muslims do not wear hijab, everyone wears hijab. On the contrary, even some poor Muslims don't- Hijab has nothing to do with your social status; it has everything to do with God and His law. Hijab is a must for Muslims, however, you cannot force someone to put it on- their sin is with God(if they violate rules put in place).

In Christian faith, we have some Christian denominations that must cover their hair before praying, we have the Catholic nuns who wear the hijab too. If the picture of Mary(peace be upon her) is constantly displayed with her hair covered, why are many so interested in making sure Muslim women don't wear their's? Honestly, this beats my imagination but then again, like I stated before: 'people thrive in hate and intolerance.'

I remember a popular saying from an Italian law maker who was asked why he voted in favor of Hijab in his country. This was his reply: 'If all the pictures of Mary, mother of Jesus is appear with her wearing a hijab, why then should I vote against it?'

Another important case I would like to bring to your organizations attention is the case of religious conversion. In Nigeria, converting from one religion to another on one's free is totally legal but why is it that CAN in many cases refuse to respect this simple law?

The case of Aisha highlighted the desperation of many CAN members. A girl who is above 20years(legal age to do what she wants) converts to Islam and then this event immediately starts a religious nationwide debate and war of words with some members of CAN accusing the Emir of bewitching the girl even though the girl ran to him for safety when the issue got blown out of proportion.
We also have a case of Miss Ese; something which has nothing to do with religion but rather two people fooling around in love. What is disturbing is that girls of Ese's age in Nigeria have boy friend's all the time and also sleep with men but for some reason, because a Muslim is involved- all hell must break lose. We can all agree what they did is religiously and morally wrong but don't blame Islam for it because it continues to highlight desperation on different level.

I remember a Christian friend of mine told me that a young Muslim boy(about 17years) came to him wanting to convert to Christianity in Kaduna state, so he took him to his Church and after the conversion, the boy stayed with them for safety yet no Muslim dragged the issue all over the news but even if they did, the Muslim will still be blamed(we never win with some people, do we?).

We have cases where people allegedly converts publicly in churches and this is aired on television during preaching yet no one is accusing the pastors of bewitching the converts but when it has to do with someone converting to Islam, even politicians makes statement about it because frankly it seems in the world of today, anyone that wants to be politically relevant simply needs to drag islam into their dirty politics(ask Donald Trump and rest).

I made this letter open to your organization so that other Nigerians can benefit from its content. We are n enemies; we are friends working for a common goal-succes of Nigeria and peace for all!
I can only state this for those who sincerely and intellectually seeks out truth but you cannot force an intellectually decapitated mind or gullible one to comprehend obvious truths and facts put forward to them- they will always live in lie because many choose to thrive in ignorance and lies.
It is because of my respect for Nigerian Christians and my long interest in creating a more peaceful and tolerant Nigeria that I decide to write this letter hoping that your organization learn to be more tolerant of Nigerian Muslims and that you instill that tolerance to Christians nationwide.

Muslims have their faults but you do not use the intolerance of some to export intolerance to all, this is why I won't use the constant intolerant being pushed and displayed by some members of CAN or Christians to be intolerant to other Christians- You also should not use the madness of some people professing the Muslim faith as a yardstick on how you should treat the rest of us. We as Muslim will always try in our own little ways to continue to preach tolerance in our community and beyond but this cannot be achieved with open intolerance by CAN- an organization supposedly representing Nigerian Christians.

Also worth noting is that, no Nigerian rich man or politicians that I know of, is interested in islamizing Nigeria. They should first stop looting our money and also encourage their female children to cover up and stop drinking alcohol before you accuse them of islamization plot- let them first islamize their household.

You talk about Islamization over every little thing even when it has to do with development like Islamic banking or loans from Islamic countries.

Ex President Jonathan(a Christian president) was the first and so far, only president to attend OIC(organization of islamic country) meeting since after Nigeria was registered. Why? Because he understood that it has nothing to do with islamization but rather it has everything to do with the benefit like securing loans, investments and other benefit this is why even countries like Kenya(a Christian majority country) also joined.

It was also embarrassing how an organization like yours that is suppose to have intellectual minds working with you also fiercely kicked against creating Islamic bank in Nigeria when it was proposed by the then Central bank Governor,
Mr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, you fail to realize that many Western countries have provisions for islamic banking and even the Vatican talked at some point was rumored about creating one in their city- These people understand the importance of development and putting aside hate and intolerance for greater good of their nation.

Nigeria was colonized by Britain and most things in the country is inclined towards Christians and not Muslims yet so many years later, there is no strong voice from Muslims calling for it be scrapped or for
changes- You do not see Muslims screaming that Friday be made holiday since Saturday and Sunday(Jews and for Christians) are weekend afterall in Muslim countries, Friday is a weekend. You do not see Muslims screaming that long holidays for secondary school should be made close to Sallah and not Christmas. You do not see Muslim campaign that 1st Muharram(islamic new year) be made holiday but every first January is. On the contrary, Osun state government that made 1st month of Islamic new year a holiday in the state have many accusing him of islamization but no one screamed that Nigeria is Christanized since her creation and have largely remained so.

Somehow it seems it is ok to engage in all 'zation' except the 'zation' in 'Islami-zation'.
In Nigeria, Christians have their full rights and the talk about Christians not having their rights is totally false- those whose rights are denied are that of Muslims yet they do not complain much not because they cannot force the nation to grant them their right but because many choose to avoid any religious heat up due to intolerant nature of many Nigerians.

Hate begets hate and intolerance creates room for more hate and disgust. We must work towards creating a more tolerant society.

Nigeria is our country and making it safe for our self, children and generations unborn must be the work of every sane Nigerian. This is why as a Muslim I cannot also deny the intolerance among my community and everyday, I try to change it the little way I can but it makes it harder when an organization like CAN and some influential non-Muslim Nigerians are hell bent to institutionalize and legalize open discrimination and denial of Muslim rights and at the end, Muslims are always labeled the intolerant one's. This was why in the beginning of my letter I stated that in Nigeria of today and indeed the world- whatever way it goes; Muslims are made the bad guys even in cases where they are the victims.

I hope that you read my letter with open mind and understand that all what I pointed out was solely with aim of creating a better understanding or if you feel otherwise in anyway after reading this letter- if anything I mentioned above is seen as disrespectful to your organization or Christians, then I also tender my public apology as my aim was not to disrespect or stir up hateful emotions.

                               Yours' Faithfully
                               Eedris Ngene(a concerned Nigerian).


  1. prince ngene, i find your piece interesting and commendable. try to write more and do more as not only writing is needed.

    we need every form of act to right all the wrongs against this peaceful religion.

  2. Thank you;
    I will always do the best I can and contribute the little way I can to salvage the situations we find ourselves in
