Wednesday, 30 December 2015

President's Media chat

General Performance of the President.

As a President of a nation, the importance of engaging in a media chat is so that your subject can have the opportunity of asking you important questions that truly matter; they are able to hear from your own perspective as a leader and then determine if truly they can continue to put "their trust in you" as their leader.

On how well the President satisfied the enthusiasm of Nigerians is solely dependent on each individual, and in cases of his public rating(either on high or low side) depends on how each individual still see's the President(either as one who can truly steer the country to greater heights or simply as a "disaster" we have to manage for another 3years).

Sincerity of each individual on this issues is very important yet sincerity and geniune love for Nigeria are 2 things that are very hard to come by among many Nigerians of today who even in face of truth and facts, will rather live a lie than admit they were wrong.

A lot of important questions were asked and on how well the President answered this questions is also solely dependent on each individual.

Some might be sincerely impressed with the answers of the President while others might not.

For a leader; Clarity,sincerity of purpose and visibility of your achievements "on the ground" is key in winning over one's critics and enemies and further re-assuring your supporters that they are indeed in safe hands.

I cannot speak on every answer of the President to questions posed to him, however, I will point out quickly some interesting observations.

Some of the answers of the President that I personally find contradictory and unimpressed with is as follows:

1. On Shiites/Military clash; why the silence?-the Reporter asked.

-From the answers the President gave, one can see how interesting the answers was, as a wise leader, I expect such answers(do not speak on such security matters without not having all facts at hand), the President said he was silent because he was still getting the necessary facts(that I applauded) but, he immediately went on to "indirectly" blame the shiates by saying: "he saw video clip of some shiate almost hitting chest of soldiers".

Now, from the above, it seems the president already has his mind made up on who is to be blamed, he did not talk about counter videos released by shiates who try to prove the military provoked it, the President did not consider the "authenticity" of the said clip" yet it seems important to him to single out "the said/alleged video of shiates ALMOST hitting soldiers on their chest" yet he claims he could not speak on the issue? Obviously he has already spoken on it.

2. On whether he would ban hijab due to security reasons, the President said:

"If Hijab is found to be a problem, the government will have no option than to take a decision on it. The people will have to consider between it and their security."
He continued:
"If this thing (suicide bombing) continues, Hijab would have to be banned."

-From his reactions and "bit by bit" answers he gave, one can understand the question was tough and inother not to be seen by Muslims as going against his "muslim doctrines", the president was trying hard to avoid/sugar coat the answers and inother not to be seen as so called "islamist" by non-muslim, he went on to agree on hijab ban if insecurity persist- One has to wonder when we would also ban military uniforms, cars and ofcourse ban bags afters, this are things which is also frequently used by the bombers.

Now, at first the President said:

"The people will have to consider between it(hijab) and their security".

And in another he said:

"If this(insecurity)continues, we would have to ban hijab".

The first answer seemed like he was trying to say "banning of hijab" will be tried but if they(muslims) resist, then, it is all good, they can choose between hijab or insecurity.

The second answer on the other hand seems like "enforcement/must"

More like: " Yeah, ofcourse, we would ban hijab if insecurity persist".

Sadly, I doubt if that was coming from the President's heart or if he was simply saying that so that he won't be tagged as "islamist" but it is important to note that Nigerian Muslims nation wide would FIERCELY resist any attempt to ban hijab and subvert their religious rights, and the President should be made aware that NO country in the world so far(none that I know of,not even countries where muslims are less than 1%) has banned hijab instead they banned "niqab", which is the face covering but he feels he can ban hijab in a country where Muslims hold comfortable 50% of the population?(For argument sake, let's put it in 50%)- I sincerely hope he knows the difference between hijab and niqab and not simply trying to be "liberal Muslim" especially when it would backfire on him.

3. When asked if Biafra agitators will worry him, he said:

“Why does it have to worry me, when I have militants of all kinds, Boko Haram and etc".

-I think at his point it is important to remind the President that it is situations like this that usually skyrocket into "bokoharam style".
Bokoharam was also as a result o neglect by the then government. As a leader, issues like this should also worry you especially when their leader, Mr kanu, is alleged to have smuggled in weapon before he was arrested.

On the general performance of the President during the media chats, Without removing from the fact that he is human and hence prone to mistakes, president Buhari in my own opinion, from most of the answers President Buhari gave, he did really well and let us hope all the answers he gave is translated into actions on the ground.

For most part of it, I saw a President who was honest, determined, educated and quite sure of himself.

I saw a President who commands respect and who sincerely believes and still feel assured that irrespective of massive challenges the nation is currently facing, he still has a "clear road map" not only to take the country out of challenges but make the nation great.

No doubt, I saw a President who through his words have changed the views of some of his critics and also renewed support of his supporters.

Eedris Ngene

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